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The Uses of Active and Passive Voice

Use the passive voice to:

Call attention to receiver of the action rather than the performer:
The professor was hit by three snowballs.

Point out the receiver of the action when performer is unknown or unimportant:
A love letter was slipped under the door.
The signs will be posted.

Avoid calling attention to the performer of the action (known as the "institutional passive"):
The fines will be collected on Monday.

In active voice, on the other hand, the subject performs the action of the verb:
The cats climbed the curtains.
Grandma and Grandpa raced grocery carts across the parking lot.

Active and passive voice in writing:
The choice between using the active or passive voice in writing is a matter of style, not correctness. However, most handbooks recommend using active voice, which they describe as more natural, direct, lively, and succinct.

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