May your fingers fly over the keyboard!
Roy (RoyGugat)
Roy, who thinks he's a ladys man, sends out crits with a disclaimer on every one, so as not to offend because he can be rather harsh. But he's always there with a joke too.
I've probably read more of Roy's work than any one else's. I consider myself a very lucky person in that respect.
Roy has a sharp wit. He truly wants to understand women, but I think we still baffle him. <G> He rarely takes offense.
Remember back when going to school, there was one person who was always the clown of the class? Roy, with his good nature joking, reminds me of that person. He loves writing, loves to be around other writers and is always open to suggestions with a smile
What a sense of humor! I'd vote him most likely to pick up a date online. A jack of all trades and a good writer.
Talk about a sense of humor! Can't NOT like this guy!
Roy knows what he wants and isn't afraid to say so. That kind of chutzpah will take him far. He's come a long way with his writing, has learned a lot and taken all the bumps in stride. No one will ever keep him down (unless it's a nubile young girl with a set of handcuffs).
Roy is a great writer with a wonderful sardonic sense of humor.
One of my favorite members. Grab a cold beer, sit back and watch him and Steel go at it. Been waiting for a rematch, but Steel doesn't seem to be that interested. Has a lot of courage, he self published a book and then sold it to his friends and coworkers. I could never do that.
Roy is steady with his critiques, and can always be counted on for some special observations. Not to mention his unique Roy-isms.
Solid writing skills
Roy cracks me up with his humor. He should write humor (hint) and maybe about his family. He also knows how to push buttonsand watch for the nuclear reaction. You little devil!