May your fingers fly over the keyboard!
Violet (Vladytoe)
I don't know her that well. I look forward to getting to know her this next year.
Violet joined the group just before I left. Unfortunately, I haaven't yet gotten to know her. That's something I'm looking forward to.
Violet is always eager to share her writing knowledge with the group. She adds spice to our sessions.
Excellent writer who promises to be a valuable addition to our team.
Violet is always eager to share her writing knowledge with the group. She adds spice to our sessions.
A very sweet lady and one of the strongest people I think I've ever met. She has followed her dreams and made them come true.
Her name is reflective of her personality, but a shrinking violet she's not! Hers is a success and talent I can only hope to match someday.
Violet seems to know a lot about writing and will be an asset to the group. She's not afraid to say what's on her mind, always a good quality in a writer.
Violet puts a lot of work into her crits to help us achieve our goals.
Making a mark for herself in the group and she hasn't been in it that long. Keep an eye on this one.
Violet is enthusiastic about writing, and she's become our most steadily active newbie in a long time.
Violet has already shown us her talent and her desire to share her knowledge. Thank you, Violet. Its much appreciated.
A published writer who has already experience book signings. Sigh! How did it feel, Violet?
Some day, I hope Violet explains the meaning of her screen name: Vladytoe. Im stumped!