May your fingers fly over the keyboard!
Gabby (G1ft0fgabn0t)
Gabby, wonder if she took that name because she loves to 'gab'? I do love to hear (maybe I should say read) what she has to say. I enjoy reading her critiques, and what she has to say in the Den.
Another person I don't know very well. Gosh, I leave for two months and we have a population explosion in the group!
Gabby is the mother of four, a gourmet cook, and loves to talk no matter what her screenname implies!
Coming along and making the group better
Gabby is a very critical critiquer and has helped me with many of my stories for my website. :) She also helps me find pictures for my site. :)
Gabby has a great sense of humor and her screen name fits her perfectly.
Nice to have gotten to know better.
Gabby is friendly, witty and smart. She works hard to make life what she wants it to be.
Sounds like a real character. Bet she would be the life of the party.
Gabby provides great warmth and support for all of the gang. She's got a real sense of humor, too.
Cheerful and humorous. Always trying to be supportive of others reflecting a kind spirit and open nature. Still getting to know her but she does seem to fulfill her screen name of being 'Gabby' and fun.
Savvy Gabby. Her humor and her spirit shine up the discussion. I always look forward to her critiques with anticipation!