Sky Holiday


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May your fingers fly over the keyboard!
Bonnie (Skywriter)
Let me see.. Sky is very nice. :)

I haven't gotten to know Sky as well as I would like to...yet.

Sky is a wonderful writer and a pilot with tons of experience. She will take the time to critique a piece about flying with great skill and patience.

Possibilities abound for this one.
Sky is observant of the postings in the Den.  Always made me laugh at my silly mistakes with typos. Rare quality in a person that can do that, looking forward to more laughs, which I am sure, will be many, considering my typing.
Another voice of literary wisdom I've come to respect and admire.
I look forward to getting to know Sky better. Any woman who both writes and flies a plane has to be fascinating. Glad to have her aboard.
Sky writes a great story that leaves me begging for more.
Bonnie has brought us a rare perspective and expertise. Busy as she is, she's managed to work on improving her writing -- and ours.
Sky reaches for the heavens. Bonnie will one day let us know what is up there.
You are modern day woman, bright and intelligent and not afraid to try new things. Please sign up for more sessions, so we can get to read your stories! Please!

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